
This blog has been created with the primary goal of bringing glory to God.  The God who has revealed Himself in Scripture has done so out of grace.  Although we do not deserve to be receivers of His revelation, He has chosen to give us His Word.  His Word is given to us in living form and in written form.  Jesus Christ (the living Word), and the Holy Scriptures (the written Word), reveal to man the truth about God.

Out of all of the books that are available for review, one in particular is so extremely phenomenal, that I have decided to dedicate an entire blog to it.  I invite you to join us as we embark on a journey (using this book as our guide) toward a better understanding of the God who has revealed Himself in Scripture.  The book is “Exploring the Attributes of God” by Dr. Robert Morey.  This book is in the top five all-time theological contributions outside of the Bible itself which is the Origin of theology.  Simply put, Exploring the Attributes of God is one of the most amazing doxological books that at worst, causes the Christian to love his or her Savior all the more, day by day.

Here are some endorsements (from the back cover):

“Once again, Dr. Morey methodically dissects his topic, and exhausts the relevant evidence. Exploring the Attributes of God is a resounding, painstakingly thorough, inescapable refutation of the teaching that the Christian god does not know the future.” – Dr. Walter Martin

“Exploring the Attributes of God is a cogent apologetic for the Biblical doctrine of God. The proper Biblical teachings are advanced with all the clarity and intensity of a Pastor-teacher. Passage after passages is examined in its proper contexts and then marshaled to build a comprehensive and unassailable statement of the changelessness, wisdom, and sovereignty of God.

In a day when a correct view of God is under siege from a host of competing theologies, Dr. Morey’s book will stand as a fortress for the truth, and as a ‘must’ reading for those concerned with safe-guarding Truth.” – Dr. John Ankerberg

“Today, God’s character and attributes are again being called into question. Some well-known theologians have resurrected neo-pagan views of God and have tried to pass them off as Christian. Dr. Morey has written the definitive rebuttal to the ‘god as finite’ view. May God use it to arrest this abomination before it spreads.” – Dr. D. James Kennedy

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